B2B SaaS content writer, ex-journo — and your next content partner.
Too much content out there is just meh. There's not enough wow!
I help B2B SaaS companies tell stories that matter, instead of creating "content" that doesn't add value, and frankly, doesn't work. Drawing on my background as a journalist, I'm an expert at conducting SME interviews, eliciting awesome quotes, and weaving them into compelling brand narratives.
More than a content writer, I'm your content partner. I work closely with you to understand your needs and figure out how we can make your product shine. Whether that's through blog posts, case studies, ebooks, or something else entirely, I'm here to help.
Don't settle for mediocre.
Contact me today to discuss your next project.
Got a project for me? My inbox is always open!
You can email me at hsing@hsingtseng.com, or set up a quick call with me below.